King Arthur Semi-Opera
Conductor: David Adams
Director: Aoife Spillane-Hinks
Movement Director: Libby Seward
Cast and Orchestra: RIAM Tertiary Students
Set, Costume and Make-Up Design: Design for Stage and Screen, IADT
Lighting Design: Kevin Smith
Producer: Kathleen Tynan, RIAM
Poster Design: Lauren Rush
Photographer: Mark Stedman
Production Details
In this RIAM/IADT collaborative project, I was given the opportunity to work as part of a nine person costume team, which allowed me to work in the areas of design, construction, breakdown, dyeing, dressing, laundry, and repairs.
The opera was performed as a story being told by people set in a dystopian world where repurposing items was a necessity, so the designs had to be creative in the material choices, and all costumes were heavily broken down and aged. Actors played a multitude of different characters, so all actors were provided with an eco-dyed base costume which was built upon for each character.
Role Details
Design: Grimbald; Saxon Warriors (collab.)
Construction: Grimbald; Grimbald's Spirits (collab.); Saxon Warriors (collab.); King Oswald (collab.)
Dyeing: Grimbald; Saxon Warriors; Nymphs, Sirens and Sylvans; King Oswald; Base Costumes (collab.)
Breakdown: Grimbald; Grimbald's Spirits (collab.); Saxon Warriors; King Oswald (collab.) Merlin (collab.); Nymphs, Sirens and Sylvans; Briton Soldiers (collab.); Base Costumes
Assistance: Briton Soldiers (1 jacket decoration); King Arthur (cape attachment and gaiters); Shepherd (1 cloak breakdown); Sylvan (1 smock construction)